En mémoire
C’est incroyable de voir la quantité d’amour et de rires qu’ils apportent dans nos vies et même à quel point nous nous rapprochons les uns des autres grâce à eux.
C’est incroyable de voir la quantité d’amour et de rires qu’ils apportent dans nos vies et même à quel point nous nous rapprochons les uns des autres grâce à eux.
You will forever be part of me and live on in my heart.
Chanelle, mon p’tit cœur, mon bébé, ma Chouchoune… Ton départ a laissé un vide immense. Tu nous manques terriblement. Ton caractère si spécial et unique a fait de toi une chatte exceptionnelle. Éternelle Chanelle, tu seras toujours dans nos cœurs. Merci pour ton amour, ton affection et aussi pour toutes ces belles années passées auprès de toi. De ta maman, ton papa et ta sœur Jessie-Ann XXX
Sir William Tango
Tango on le surnommait le chien-chat.
Tango avait une bonne humeur contagieuse.
Il a eu une belle vie et il a ensoleillé la mienne.
Alors quand je ferme les yeux, je vois Tango au paradis des chats qui danse et qui fait le pacha… et cela me rend sereine.
Merci encore Nos Copains… vous êtes des gens de coeur!
Cordialement, Anne Côté
1996 – 2013
Notre petit bébé d’amour et une vraie championne Réalisation à vie, Honneur au mérite or et Versatilité argent en agilité
Kamille était adorée et gâtée par Édith & Jean-François
Marilou Goupil
Natacha et François
1994 – 2009
Merci pour tous les beaux souvenirs que nous ne pourrons jamais oubliés. Nous t’avons aimés et nous t’aimerons toujours. Repose en Paix chère amie.
Lynne, Robert, Jessica
Blackie, notre ami notre compagnon. Toujours loyal. Un vrai gardien qui ne faisait que prendre soin de nous dans nos moments difficiles.Un très bon compagnon pour sa maîtresse malade.Ils nous manqueras au prochain anniversaire car il ne sera pas là pour chanter Happy Birthday avec nous.
On t’aime beaucoup Blackie xxxxxxxxx Tina
Sir William Tango
Tami Moulin
Tamy, ma compagne, mon amie, mon amour et ma confidente pendant 30 ans. Tu es la plus jolie Cacatoès à huppe jaune, la plus douce et la plus intelligente. Comme nous étions inséparables, nous le resterons pour toujours. Merci pour tous ces bons moments, touts ces doux souvenirs, merci pour tout. Je t’aime.
Jimmy Sidaros
Jimmy Sidaros
En memoire d’un copain loyal qui a su animer ma vie dans les moments difficiles;
d’un maitre de qui j’ai appris a supporter les peines et les douleurs sans jamais me plaindre, a aimer sans condition, a donner sans compter, et a oublier sans rancune…
A toi mon JIMMY, mon ange, tu me manqueras beaucoup.
03-02-2002/ 03-04-2011
Rescapé des courses de lévriers (greyhound) américaines en mai 2005 grâce a SOS Lévrier Quebec, Tuffy a vécu une belle retraite avec nous. Tu nous manques beaucoups. Run pain free big boy.
Candy Bissonnette
Candy Bissonnette
(8 décembre 1993 au 22 mars 2011)
Tu es maintenant notre ange gardien.
Nous t’aimons et tu nous manques tellement.
Tracy Richard
Tracy Richard
September 4, 2000 to December 27, 2010
Notre très chère Zoey, Ton énergie pour la vie, ta passion pour les balles de tennis, ta nature attentionnée et ton cœur tendre nous manquent. Nous n’oublierons jamais l’amour inconditionnel que tu nous as donné pendant la courte durée de ta vie. Tu resteras à jamais dans nos mémoires comme l’ami le plus merveilleux qu’une femme ou un homme puisse avoir.
Jusqu’à ce que nous nous rencontrions à nouveau !
Trish et James
1993 – 2010
Dans nos vies pendant 17 merveilleuses années et dans nos pensées pour toujours. Tu nous manques, petit champion.
La famille Rispler
Elvira, tu étais notre seule « PETITE DAME » et tu étais si précieuse. Tu venais toujours à la rescousse quand l’un de nous se sentait mal. Tu as été une compagne fidèle jusqu’à la fin de tes 15 ans. On se souviendra toujours de toi et on ne t’oubliera jamais. Merci de nous avoir choisis pour partager ta vie ! Je t’aime, maman, papa et le reste de tes amis à fourrure.
Ami bien-aimé de la famille Hemens
Teddy Bear Charlebois
Teddy Bear Charlebois
Un garçon spécial dans ma vie. Il était là quand j’étais triste et dans les moments difficiles. Il m’a fait regarder la vie d’une manière différente. Quand il a pris son dernier souffle dans mes bras, il a emporté mon cœur avec lui. Il est éternellement avec ma fille de 2 ans, mon père, mes chiens Sasha, Shebaka, Coddy et Buffy. Un merci spécial à Averil et Gail de Pet friends pour leur aide.
Ozzie Cattiny
Ozzie Cattiny
15 Sep 1996 – Juin 2007
Sir Nigel McScruff
Sir Nigel McScruff
La présence de Sir Nigel dans ma vie a été comme une lumière qui s’allume, un réveil en quelque sorte. La vie est devenue agréable, satisfaisante, réelle. J’ai appris de lui sans qu’il m’enseigne, et j’ai grandi en le connaissant. Nous avons eu la chance d’avoir sa compagnie pendant huit petits mois. Sa présence nous accompagnera bien plus longtemps.
Susan Hebblethwaite et sa famille
Candy Paquette
Candy Paquette
La présence de Sir Nigel dans ma vie a été comme une lumière qui s’allume, un réveil en quelque sorte. La vie est devenue agréable, satisfaisante, réelle. J’ai appris de lui sans qu’il m’enseigne, et j’ai grandi en le connaissant. Nous avons eu la chance d’avoir sa compagnie pendant huit petits mois. Sa présence nous accompagnera bien plus longtemps.
Susan Hebblethwaite et sa famille
Striker Conte
Striker Conte
24 février, 1998 à 17 mai, 2007
Notre petite chatte adorée
1994 – 2007
Julian Dandine
Julian Dandine
Ami fidèle de Nelly
Tammy Riley
Tammy Riley
Tammy était un don du ciel (aimée et loyale)
Famille Riley
Le 1er juin 2007
Celeste Zaichkowsky-Chinerman
Celeste Zaichkowsky-Chinerman
Une amie exceptionnelle : très empathique et sociale. Elle est arrivée dans notre famille en tant que chien de secours à l’âge de 4 ans et demi, et a rapidement gagné une place dans nos cœurs. En juillet 2007, Céleste est décédée avec dignité et une lueur d’espoir dans les yeux.
Elle nous manquera !
Benji Livick
Benji Livick
Quand ils ont composé la chanson « Endless Love », ils t’avaient vraiment en tête. Tu nous manques, Benj.
A la recherche d’une nouvelle famille à 13 ans, nous avons juste essayé de te donner la meilleure maison possible pour le temps qu’il te restait. mais c’est toi qui nous a tant donné pendant nos 4 ans ensemble. ce ne sera jamais pareil sans toi jolie princesse. embrasse Boule pour nous. maman, papa et tasha xxx
Tout le monde me dit que 14 ans a été une vie longue et merveilleuse, mais comme j’aurais aimé pouvoir te garder avec nous pour toujours. Jusqu’à ce que nous nous retrouvions, mon meilleur ami, fais de beaux rêves mon gros bébé.
maman, papa, Tasha et Bagels xxxx
Bear, nous partagions un lien incassable qui n’arrive qu’une fois dans une vie. Tu me manques terriblement, je t’aime infiniment.
Lindsay Quain
Lindsay Quain
Our little angel, sadly missed. Things just aren’t the same around here without you. You will remain forever in our hearts and memories. We love you so much!
Your adoring family – The Quains
1994 – 2009
Ami spécial de la famille Luchia
Surnom ChiChibum sera toujours aimée et ne manquera jamais, puisqu’elle est pour toujours avec moi.
Je t’aime, maman
Oscar Stebe
Oscar Stebe
Bailey Conte
Bailey Conte
15 juin 2007 – 20 juillet 2009
Ami bien-aimé de Marla. Chaque paradis a ses inconvénients Vous pouvez verser des larmes parce qu’elle est partie ou sourire parce qu’elle a vécu. Vous pouvez fermer les yeux et prier pour qu’elle revienne ou ouvrir les yeux et voir tout ce qu’elle a laissé. Votre cœur peut être vide parce que vous ne la voyez pas ou être plein de l’amour que vous avez partagé. Vous pouvez vous souvenir d’elle et ne voir que son départ ou chérir sa mémoire et la laisser vivre.
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Fév. 13, ’99 – Juil. 26, ’09<
Oliver Wright
Oliver Wright
Mon beau et beau garçon. Pour toujours dans mon coeur.
Je t’aime toujours,
Ta maman
Max a béni nos vies pendant 15 ans et demi. Il a disparu de notre vue…. mais jamais de notre mémoire…. Tu nous manques beaucoup. « Si l’amour avait pu te sauver, tu aurais vécu pour toujours ».
J’aime ta famille,
Joey, Sam & Malaika
Perfect 10
Ami bien-aimé de la famille Piperni
Oreo était mon ami Newfie. C’était un chiot de 180 livres. Quelle joie de regarder dans ses yeux bruns profonds et de savoir que son amour était inconditionnel. Comme c’est le cas pour tous ceux qui ont un Terre-Neuve, Oreo ne m’appartenait pas, il m’appartenait et j’en ai aimé chaque minute.
Harley Butler
Harley Butler
La mission spéciale d’Harley sur terre était de servir de chien de thérapie pour les enfants maltraités. Harley avait été sauvé d’une cruauté extrême et, parce qu’il avait lui aussi souffert d’abus, il avait une compréhension profonde de la situation. Il était capable de guider les enfants pour qu’ils expriment leur amour et fassent à nouveau confiance, comme il avait appris à le faire. Sa loyauté et sa compassion ont eu un impact permanent sur ces jeunes vies qu’il était destiné à aider. Il a vécu sa vie de 8 ans avec sa famille aimante et sa sœur boxer Zoe. Merci à Pet Friends pour nous aider à faire face à l’émotion et à la perte de ce chien boxer très unique. Votre gentillesse et votre sensibilité pendant cette période difficile ont été une bénédiction !
Harley sera à jamais aimé et regretté par la famille Butler et tous les enfants dont il a guéri la vie.
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Mon meilleur ami Tu ne seras jamais oublié
Harmony Piperni
Harmony Piperni
Notre petit ange La famille Piperni
Aimés pour toujours, jamais oubliés
La famille Shatilla
Août 1995 – 4 juillet 2010
« Quand tu parles à un chien, une âme te répond » Merci pour notre merveilleuse vie sur terre ensemble ! Notre doux Alphie, tu seras toujours avec nous.
Hogan St. Germain
Hogan St. Germain
Ami bien-aimé de Michelle
Eh bien Willy, tu es dans un meilleur endroit maintenant et pense à tous les nouveaux amis que tu vas te faire et que tu pourras honorer en les laissant te faire des massages du ventre. Pense à tous les nouveaux amis que tu vas te faire et que tu pourras honorer en les laissant te faire des massages du ventre. Tu manques terriblement à ta maman et à tous tes amis que tu as laissés derrière toi. XOXOXO
Aimé et regretté à jamais par la famille Gray
Chester Ladd
Chester Ladd
« Chester, mon meilleur ami le plus aimé. Tu as béni ma vie pendant 14 merveilleuses années. Je chérirai toujours tous les souvenirs que tu m’as donnés. Tu es aimé, et tu me manques énormément. Repose en paix mon gentil géant ».
juillet 1998 – février 2011
« Les souvenirs sont nombreux et les mots trop rares »….. vous manquerez vraiment à votre famille,
Les Fergusons.
Baby (1997-2012)
Thank-you Baby for coming into our lives 15 yrs ago & for giving us so much love. We will miss you dearly but you will remain always in our hearts. Now you are with your friends Ringo,Tommy & Elvira. Please give them kisses from us.
Barbara, Jean, Marley,
Candy, Rosie,
J.J. & Henry.
Thank you Nikki for showing me how to live in the moment.I will try to follow your lead.
Love always, Your admirer
Our little athlete,Luisa; we miss you.
Clinton & Mary
Charlie and Mommy
Charlie and Mommy
Charlie was the consummate white golden retriever. Calm and loving.Leader of his pack, Rosie and Jessie. He was a Therapy Dog and gave his special brand of love to all. He will be sorely missed by his family,
Charron, Carly, Jared and Michael.
« For nearly 16 years, Mousse never let me out of her sight, she became part of me, always staring, always looking out for me. She was feisty, very protective – no dog or person too big. Mousse took on Akitas, Bouviers and she won. Size did not matter. »
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt
« Our sweet Brad Pitt March 27th 2012. Age 9 yrs His 7 months as part of our family was filled with joy and fun with his Golden brothers Henry and Neil. A constant shadow and devoted companion, he was a very special rescue. Forever we will miss our Brad. »
Dearest Chase
Dearest Chase
We will always remember the beautiful boy you were.
You were a beautiful Golden but more importantly you had a beautiful and gentle soul.
Although you are no longer with us here, you will always be a part of our hearts, never to be forgotten.
Love Mommy, Daddy, Jeffrey, Andrew and Steven
Sept 10-2000 -April 10, 2012
Cypress 1998-2012
He graced our lives with gentleness, joyful ‘roo-roo’s,
delight in chasing squirrels (but never catching them),
his sense of quiet melodrama, a Zen lounge-hound attitude, his unconditional devotion and fur-faced love.
He brought a smile to all who met him.
Tho no longer the shadow to my steps, you are still the light in my heart.
Lynne & the Adams family and friends
Truffle Paquette
Truffle Paquette
En mémoire de ma belle, loyale, fidèle, adorable et adorable Truffle ! Je t’ai adoptée au refuge pour chiens Animatch quand tu avais 3 mois. Nous avons eu la chance de partager 12 merveilleuses années ensemble et nous avons construit un lien très fort. Si l’amour t’avait sauvé, tu aurais vécu pour toujours ! Mon ange spécial, mon âme douce, le meilleur chien du monde, mon vrai compagnon, nous nous comprenions, nous prenions soin et nous nous soutenions mutuellement.
J’ai le cœur brisé de ne pas pouvoir être à tes côtés, je suis dévasté, blessé, perdu, je me sens vide et plein de douleur dans mon cœur. Chaque jour, je pleure tant de larmes, tes baisers, tes câlins, tes jeux, tes promenades en voiture, tes promenades, tes choses drôles pour me faire rire, ton adorable visage, ton amour inconditionnel, etc. me manquent. Je t’aimerai toujours, je me souviendrai toujours de toi et tu resteras éternellement dans mon cœur. RIP cours et joue avec Patachou, Choco et Candy au Rainbow Bridge jusqu’à ce que nous nous retrouvions et soyons ensemble pour l’éternité. Je te verrai au paradis, douce Truffe !❤️️
Ta maman Linda et sa famille XXXXOOOO
Toby was two years old when we adopted him Nov 2010 through Petfriends and Gerdie’s Rescues. He was full of life and mischief. Toby had a rough start in life, winding up in the SPCA numerous times. Thanks to very caring people, namely someone who noticed him at the SPCA, and called Gerdie’s Rescues, Thus his life was spared. Toby underwent rehabilitation with a trainer for some time until our golden retriever Toby got the green light to be eligible for adoption. A lot of time and effort went into preparing him for this. Wonderful people did much to give this dog a chance for a loving forever home. And yet it still took a lot of patience and love and perseverance on our part until Toby was able to trust people again and not be afraid of them. And it was all so worth it! He turned out to be so loving and loyal, the most beloved dog we ever had. All our family and friends got the royal welcome from Toby when they came to visit, and many neighbours enjoyed him too. When Toby was diagnosed with ocular melanoma at age 12 and already too late for surgeries as the tumours were already in his lungs the day came when we were faced with that dreaded decision of euthanasia. It was Averil who recommended a very kind veterinarian who came to our house at this time. Toby was able to stay in his familiar surroundings and my husband and I were at Toby’s side right to the end.
It’s so hard to say good-bye. You are so missed, dear beautiful, loving, Toby.
Petfriends provided an outstanding, caring service. Our most heartfelt thanks to you, Averil, and your staff for your service, done with such dignity and love for our dog.
Rolf and Johanna
Your mommy Linda and family XXXXOOOO
Patachou Paquette
Patachou Paquette
I will always love and miss you. You will be in my heart forever. You were a special bunny. Beautiful, loveable, gentle, cuddly yes it was you. We will meet again my beloved Patachou boy hope you are playing with Candy and Choco at Rainbow Bridge! Linda, Truffle and family xo 2014 – 2020
It is with my greatest Sorrow and Heavy Heart that I must say goodbye for now to my sweetest Angel Jazz – June 10th, 2020
Jazz you were so loved I will miss you dearly and look forward to the day you and I can once again be together. You are at peace my dearest angel. I always made a promise to you that your quality of Life meant so much more to me than being heroic and trying to keep you going – I truly believe I kept my promise to you. I love you Jazz, will miss you and will always remember you. Until we meet again my little angel, God Bless.
Always in my heart – Johnny
Jack The Boxer
Jack The Boxer
Malheureusement, notre garçon Jack nous a quittés le 3 janvier 2020, il avait 10 ans, il était atteint d’un cancer du cerveau.
Il a été trouvé il y a 9 ans à la SPCA de Montréal par Gerdy’s Rescue, Gerdy nous a appelé pour voir si nous serions intéressés à adopter ce paquet de haute énergie. En tant que passionnés de cette belle race, nous lui avons ouvert nos bras malgré le fait que Jack soit un chien hyper fou. Grâce à notre expérience et à nos soins attentionnés, il est devenu le chien le plus loyal, le plus aimant et le plus courageux que nous ayons jamais eu. Le 3 janvier 2020, nous avons choisi de faire procéder à une euthanasie au funérarium Pet friends : ils se sont occupés de tous nos chiens après leur décès. Jack est décédé paisiblement, sans douleur, entre les mains attentives du Dr Bart Sikorski. À ses côtés se trouvait sa famille aimante, y compris son side kick boxer Jada. Merci Averil et le personnel de Pet friends, du fond du cœur, pour avoir permis à Jack de faire ce voyage paisible vers le Pont de l’Arc-en-ciel.
J’ai le cœur brisé de ne pas pouvoir être à vos côtés, je suis dévastée, blessée, perdue, je me sens vide et j’ai beaucoup de peine dans mon cœur. Tous les jours, je pleure tellement de larmes, tes baisers, tes câlins, tes jeux, les promenades en voiture, les promenades, les choses drôles que tu faisais pour me faire rire, ton adorable visage, ton amour inconditionnel, etc. me manquent. Je t’aimerai toujours, je me souviendrai toujours de toi et tu resteras éternellement dans mon cœur. RIP cours et joue avec Patachou, Choco et Candy au Rainbow Bridge jusqu’à ce que nous nous retrouvions et soyons ensemble pour l’éternité. Je te verrai au paradis SweetTruffle! ❤️️
Ta maman Linda et sa famille XXXXOOOO
Roxy is sadly missed by my wife, our two remaining dogs and myself… The wound will heal, leave a scar, and that scar will not be a bad thing, but rather a reminder and celebration of Roxy’s memory… Paul Kimpan & Family
My beloved sweet “ROBBIE BOY” (Robin Hood)
January 21, 2016 – Thursday 2:30 pm
You were so very special to me! You gave me so much joy! There are no words to express the bond we shared and the love we had for one another. You were an extraordinary most loyal companion I have ever shared my life with. You were a happy, healthy, and such a loving, gentle, and sweet cocker. You were one of a kind. I miss you so much ”Boy”…. tears are rolling down …… but this time you are not here to ease my sorrow. How I wish this was all a bad dream. My heart hurts and the pain is unbearable. I knew that one day, this sad day would come; I dreaded it ………You were a true gentleman, so refined; you always walked so happily with your head up high and with so much pride. We will celebrate your birthday and I will have your Harvey’s Junior Burger. I remember how much you loved that treat ………
Thank you Robbie for a remarkable, most amazing 14 years and 8 months you have given me. You were the “BEST” Robbie Boy, you will “ALWAYS” and “FOREVER” be in my heart.
Good Bye “My Sweet Boy”, we will always love you. Rest in Peace.
Mom, Dad, and your Feline Brother BO xxx
Our beloved, handsome boy Bower. You came into our lives suddenly and unexpectedly and departed the same way twelve years later. You brought so much joy and happiness, companionship and love, laughter and smiles – we will never forget you. So gentle, intelligent, goofy and patient, you were truly one of a kind. We feel lost and the house feels so empty but our hearts will always be full of happy memories of our time spent with you. We love and miss you.
Robert, Margaret, Jordan, Nicholas and Elizabeth
Abby and Merlin (your feline brothers)
Our beloved Rosie went to Rainbow Bridge suddenly on December 1st, 2015. Rosie was such a sweetheart and certainly adored our two cats and our Lab, Candy. With her she took a big piece of all our hearts. We miss her terribly and the pain is unbearable. Rosie, you are forever in our hearts.
Barbara, Jean, Candy, JJ and Henry
He was a blessing brought to us when we needed him, and for that, we are forever grateful. We love you and miss you, our sweet baby boy.
The Lewis Family
Jack was my husband’s first pet, adopted from the SPCA after being found in a dumpster. He was an amazing dog and a great friend. He greeted any stranger (2 and 4 legged) into his home with a good butt snif, then immediately adopted them as family members. He also trained our two other dogs and taught them that if you hung out close to the kitchen, you might be able to catch food as it fell to the floor. He loved a good car ride and LOVED to chase deers. He will be missed dearly.
Melissa & Nick
Dewey — Loving kitten of Gary and Karen Gauthier and of Luc Periard
You brought joy into our lives, even if it was only for a short time. We loved you dearly and we will miss you. Know that you were loved by us, your family. Rest now my little one, and if we should ever feel a cold nose we will know that it is you saying hello to us, your family.
Born September 2015 – died October 25, 2015
Age 1 month
December 2014
An empty leash in my hand,
and you forever in our hearts.
How we miss you so.
Mom & Dad
August 2013 – January 2014
My dear Pixie
Even if we had you a short time we loved you so much. You were the light of our lives when I brought you home on October 10, 2013. Even after a year and half we still love you and miss you so much. The pain of losing you is indescribable, love you to the moon and back forever you will be in out hearts. Got your little paws and name tattooed on me.
From mom and the kids ♥
Lassie, a faithful companion of Luc Periard.
You were the sunshine in my life. Sleep now my Little Princess and know that I will always love you.
Moose was my rock through very hard times especially the last 4yrs.
I feel so empty without him but know how tired he was and how much pain he was in. As he took his last breath with his head in my lap, I felt a sense of fear. How will I go on without my best friend, my rock, my confidence? He made me the person I am today believe it or not. He taught me so much. I wasn’t a very good people person before Moose came along. But when you walk down the street with a 3.5 foot tall 165 lb great dane, people will stop you and talk to you. He gave me the confidence to step out of my shell and venture outside of my comfort zone. Hence, how I eventually ended up heavily involved in animal rescue. Moose was the big foster brother to so many little foster dogs that came through my home.
He definitely leaves this earth with his paw prints on the hearts of many. Sleep easy my big boy.
Your paws will forever be in my heart. Love me.
Choco Paquette
In sweet memories to the best little bunny in the world!
I will always love ♥ and miss you. You will be in my heart ♥ forever, Until we meet again. Beautiful, loving, faithful and beloved Choco girl of Linda Paquette and family xo.
Our dear sweet Izzy,
You came into our lives unexpected…and what a surprised you were. Such a special girl you were.
Playing hockey, playing fetch, what a kitten! The memories of you being a kleptomaniac, stealing everything from us…food, toys, clothes, hockey tape….always made us laugh. Anything missing in the house, we always knew it was you! We’ll always remember you walking with something in your mouth.
We had you in our lives for too short a time. From the first day you came into our lives, you had brought us laughter, joy and so much love ♥.
You were dear to us and all the love you gave us will last forever in our hearts ♥.
My Little Gypsy
Goodbye –
To your long, slow, Painful days…
Goodbye To your soul that stayed, just to feel
the warmth and the love from the one strength
that promised to hold you forever…
I told you That I would never let you go…
until today.
My sweet, loving Maggie…
You captured my heart the moment we met and when you left this world you took a giant piece of it with you. You were always there for me with your funny little smiling face, unconditional love, greeting me at the door, keeping me safe, smiling up at me every morning. I will miss you forever and cherish all the lovely memories and joy you brought to all our lives. Forever in our hearts, our souls….
Love always, your mama Michele, Edel, Manfred, Julio and all the friends you made along the way. Until we meet again my sweet girl…
Our beautiful boy left us Oct. 15th to go to Rainbow Bridge. Along with him he took a huge piece of our hearts! He is now reunited with his best friend Ringo and the rest of his buddies. Please give all our furry friends kisses from us.
Marley, you will always be our special gentle boy.
Barbara, Jean, Rosie, Candy, Henry and J.J
1 November 1993 – 2 July 2013
My dear, sweet Misha,
We met on a cold day in February, on the Upper West side. You were so affectionate! From the moment we met I knew we were meant to be together. You cuddled up in my lap and declared me yours. We had so much fun together . . . we traveled to many places – by plane, by train, by ferry, by bus, by car . . . You stayed with me in new and exciting places and never once had trouble with it. As long as we were together you were happy. When your brother went to the Rainbow Bridge I never imagined that you’d stay for as long as you did. You were such a courageous boy!
The days are long and hard without you. I look for your happy smiling eyes, your perky Aby ears and your beautiful red fur to caress, but your spot is empty. I miss our special times together Misha. I dream of us playing together again, with Sacha.
I’m sure that Sacha was so happy to see you when you got to the Rainbow Bridge. I hope you are playing and cuddling with him as you did while you were both on Earth.
Thank you for staying with me for so long . . . you were very brave for such a long time, my sweet little bunny-cat.
I will love you forever.
Mommy xoxoxox
June 24, 2003 – July 1, 2013
Our best friend, who loved and was loved by everyone she knew.
The Freitag Family
I lost a special friend today that you can’t replace, looking at his empty bed I still can see his face. But as those precious years went by and we both aged and grew, I’d find him often slowing down but-we had still so much to do. He did his guard dog duty well each time the doorbell rang; Strangers surely couldn’t see my gentle friend–behind those fangs. When he started sleeping next to me it was this his special clue, because he felt the end was near I only wish I knew.
My Kimo was a special dog I know he gave his best, but as I looked deep into his eyes I knew it was time, for him to rest. It will truly be a struggle I don’t know how I’ll face each day, I had to let him go–I know but in my heart he’ll always stay.
I know he’s watching over us he’ll be with me when I cry, so with one more kiss on his beloved head I told my Kimo goodbye. All of our family and friends we were blessed to be in your life.
Love Jody & Lucas & Cedric & Yohan & Alexya
How 12 years have passed so fast. You came into my life at 6 months, unsure and afraid and we spent the next 12 years loving every second together. You learned to trust and love and I learnt patience and the true meaning of “man’s best friend”. Over time we added a brother named Cody. You became his guide and he your protector. The 2 of you were a match made in heaven… gentle souls who loved everyone in the their lives. You will be missed by all that were fortunate enough to have met you. You will forever remain my Pretty Girl, always happy, always by my side, a true gift. Thanks
March 17, 2005 February 16, 2013
The Greeter, you loved life and enjoyed greeting everyone that came by, with your beautiful growling howl. You had so much joy to share with us every day. We miss you and Hogan each and every day. R.I.P. Little Girl
Daddy, Mommy and Stefany…
For my BamBam and Bushy tail I still remember the first day we met. When I heard my mom walk in I ran down the stairs and you were looking up at me. I hugged you and told you how sorry I was for the man who hurt you and from that day on we stayed together. I promised you no one would ever hurt you again. On your last day I held you in my arms and told you how sorry I was as they put you to sleep. I knew you were comforted because we were together… you were so peaceful in my arms. Your brothers, Winston and Shadow miss you deeply. It’s so quiet without hearing you bark anymore. Mom, Dad and Shannon are sad they did not get to say goodbye but knew it would be selfish to keep you any longer. I promised you I would not let you suffer and would stay with you until the end. Now I know you will be watching over me. I’ll love you forever and I will never forget how you changed my life. Karyna
Our beloved Keya came into our lives when I was asked to accompany a friend to the dog pound in Cold Lake, Alberta to inquire if her son could volunteer there. As a joke I said « Don’t let me come home with a dog! » You can see the result was meant to be. Bringing 18 month old Keya home soon brought to our attention that she would be the car puking wonder from day one, resulting in me becoming very talented in driving with one hand while holding a bucket under her head as we drove the short distance to obedient and agility classes. Over the years and many car rides later she became a very good car and airplane traveller. The confessed favourite of all the family dogs by her human grandparents, she brought to our lives so much love, laughter and joy. At age 15, she is at peace but her absence leaves a large hole in our hearts and lives and will be sadly missed.
In memory of our beloved Tibbs
Summer 1993 – February 14, 2013
The years of joy and love will live in our hearts forever. You were a very special creature. From the first day you wandered into our lives and decided to stay the love was unconditional. My lap was your safe haven. Your trust was evident sleeping soundly you remained motionless in my lap if left undisturbed for hours. Now, you have a new place to call home, free from suffering and sunshine to keep you warm and safe. Sleep my Tibbs sleep knowing we will be reunited in the afterlife.
Love for ever,
Glen, Kelly, Carole
Millie June 20, 2003 – December 28, 2012
My dear little Millie,
We had such a good life together and it was far too short. We all miss you so much.
You were so easy going , friendly, affectionate, kind and curious. How you loved treats and finding someone who would play with you with your laser light. Unfortunately your bright nose always gave you away when you peered from behind doors and curtains waiting to attack whoever went by.
Now it’s time for you to go and find your old pal Wee Willie who has been waiting patiently for you to join him.
Love from all of us.
Duddley Hodge January, 2000 – January 18, 2013
At 5 years of age, from Gerdy’s Rescue, Duddley came home with us 7 years ago on Mother’s Day, and became our faithful and loving companion. As soon as we seen him scoot across the floor to us with his little tail going a mile a minute and his ears flying out, we know he was going to be in our hearts forever.
He LOVED Tim Bits… When he knew he was getting one (which was almost every morning in the last few months) he would drool & vibrate till he got it. Even Tim Horton’s knew we were getting a Tim bit for him when we placed our breakfast order and if we forgot to order it, they would say (« Tim Bit for the Dog? »)
You were such a strong & brave Little Man, in fighting the pain you were a real trooper. We are going to miss you so much in our lives.
R.I.P. Duddley doo, and play nice with Cuddles and April, and enjoy and share the Tim Bits we sent with you.
Thank you Averil & staff of Pet Friends for your kindness and help through this difficult time. You have made easier to go through this and could not have done it without you.
You will be forever in our hearts our precious little boy, and will never be forgotten.
With all our love from Mom & Dad
Heather & Lyn
Voici notre chère Porscha que nous avons adoptée à la SPCA il y a quatorze ans et demi à l’âge de sept mois. Elle avait été battue par sa famille précédente. Elle a été l’amie la plus merveilleuse et la plus aimante que l’on puisse avoir. Elle a toujours eu son propre esprit et un sens de l’humour. Ses yeux vous parlent… elle est presque humaine. Nous l’aimerons toujours, elle nous manquera et elle sera toujours dans nos cœurs. Affectueusement maman, Chris et Matthew
Hogan June 7,2003 – Sept. 3,2012
You were also known as “Hollywood” because of your looks. Your passion was your early morning walks to the park and play ball then your swimming pool. You disliked squirrels and chased them out of our yard but nearly caught one by the puff of its tail. You loved us unconditionally. You will never be forgotten. Love Mommy, Daddy & Stefany
Bébé Reuben, tu vivras dans nos cœurs pour toujours.
Flanelle 1997 – 2012
Our beautiful girl will forever be missed, but never forgotten. At 8 years old, you were a gentle creature I adopted with the intent of providing a stable and loving home… I never anticipated how much I would be grateful for the unconditional love and happiness you brought to my life. We feel such an emptiness without you now, but hopefully in time, we can honor your memory by adopting another. Flanny, Mommy and Daddy will always love you.
Chance – Our Wonder Dog
April 24, 1999 to June 24, 2012
Griffon (Wire Hair Pointing, Korthal) female- 13 ½ yrs.
Canada Day, thirteen years ago, you came to our home as a puppy, and you added your soul to our family. Your honesty, kind heart, intuitiveness, your happy howl that went “roooooof, your way of getting the nearest toy (or shoe) to greet everyone with your grace – these attributes will be with us in our souls forever. Though you were visually challenged from birth, it never, EVER stopped you from being completely and positively thrilled with life and the world that we built together, each and every day. In our hearts we felt you were ready to go, we just couldn’t let go until you gave us that sign. Words were not needed then, although we know you felt our unconditional love and that you have the peace of mind and body that you so deserve.
You will always be our “protector-dog, watchful evermore.
You made us a better family and are always with us.
Cathy, Andy, Amy and Cory.
Rest now my friend… you will live in my heart forever.
You were more than my pet, more than my best friend, you were my heart.
Thank you for showing me the true meaning of unconditional love.
I will always have dogs in my life, but there will never be another special being like you.
Kiss Boule & Bagels for us.
Mamy, Rod, Dexter & Little.
Chad Ross
Meilleur ami, tuteur et compagnon de Bernice.
Mon seul et unique Tigrou, merci de m’avoir permis de te montrer que tous les humains ne sont pas à craindre. Ta vie a été beaucoup trop courte, mais je n’oublierai jamais ton beau sourire qui me saluait chaque fois que je rentrais à la maison. Tu me manques beaucoup… repose en paix mon garçon.
Un chien une fois dans sa vie dans son endroit préféré.
Cuddles Hodge
Cuddles Hodge
14 février 1984 – 3 mars 2000
Cuddles est arrivée chez nous en tant que chien de secours à l’âge de 3 ans, elle est devenue notre meilleure amie et compagne la plus aimée, douce, aimante et fidèle ; une fille spéciale.
Tu as béni nos vies pendant 13 merveilleuses années avant que Dieu ne te rappelle à la maison. Tu nous manques tellement et nous pensons à toi tous les jours, tu seras toujours aimée et jamais oubliée, et tu resteras à jamais dans nos cœurs.
Tu as maintenant April pour te tenir compagnie jusqu’à ce que nous puissions être avec toi à nouveau.
Merci pour tout le soutien des Amis des animaux à travers ces deux pertes.
Nous vous aimons et vous nous manquez beaucoup.
Maman (Heather) et Papa (Jim) Hodge
April Hodge
April Hodge
2000 – 2011
Manqué à jamais par Jim,
Anne et tous ses amis.